Category Archives for podcast

apple savings

With Savings Accounts Paying 4%+ Does Whole Life and IBC Still Make Sense?

This week Anthony and Cameron break down how this saving account works and how it compares to the Infinite Banking Concept while seeing the differences in taxes, qualifications, and opportunities.

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Dirt Rich

Get Dirt Rich Flipping Land with Mark Podolsky, The Land Geek

This week Anthony and Cameron welcome back one of their first guests, the Land Geek Mark Podolsky, to discuss an opportunity for entrepreneurs of any level to get into real estate investing.

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Roth IRA or IBC

Should you do a Roth IRA or Infinite Banking?

Should you do a Roth IRA or Infinite Banking? A Roth IRA is tax free but so is whole life insurance, the similarities end there. We discuss the major differences..

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How the Rich Get Richer with Corey Peterson

How the Rich Get Richer with Corey Peterson, Founder of Kahuna Investments

Today Anthony and Cameron dive into multi-family investments with Corey Peterson, Founder of Kahuna Investments and bestselling author, who provides investors with long-term capital appreciation.

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Avoid risk

Do you have to take high risks to get a high rewards?

This week Anthony and Cameron discuss the risks that successful entrepreneurs have made in their greatest endeavors.

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Get Up to 500K Every Month

How Business Owners Can Get Up to 500K Every Month at 0%

This week Anthony and Cameron welcome Brandon Elliott, founder and creator of Credit Council Elite. Brandon explains how he turned a credit card into cash to finance real estate investments.

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Dave Ramsay on Whole Life

Why Dave Ramsey is Wrong on Whole Life & Infinite Banking

This week Anthony and Cameron will walk you through the article and explain what Ramsey has wrong. The most important thing you can do for your financial future is educate yourself on your options.

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tribe investing

Next Level Investing: Maximize Returns and Diversify Investing with Your Tribe

This week we welcome back Travis Smith, Founder and CEO of Tribevest. Travis and his brothers found that there was a problem with the capital and experience needed to start investing, so he found a solution…

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Money safe in banks

Safest place to store cash. Surprise!!! It’s not a Bank

This week Anthony and Cameron will show you why your money IS safe in a whole life insurance policy by explaining the difference between central banks and mutual insurance companies.

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Infinite Banking Concept Part II

The Human Obstacles of IBC | The Infinite Banking Concept Part II

This week is part 2 of the human obstacles of the Infinite Banking Concept. Anthony and Cameron continue the theme of it all starts by the way that you think by discussing Willie Sutton’s Law and The Golden Rule.

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The Human Factors of IBC

The Human Factors of IBC | The Infinite Banking Concept

This week is part one of explaining the human factors of the Infinite Banking Concept. Anthony and Cameron explain The Arrival Syndrome, what it is, how it affects you, and how to over come it!

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Lifecycle IBC

Life Cycle of the Infinite Banking Concept

In today’s episode Anthony and Cameron introduce our listeners to three phases of IBC: Capitalization, Utilization and the Winding Down of your Policy.

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401K Strategy

401(k)’s create a LOSS are a LIE and make you a LEMMING

Why 401(k)’s make you poor AND stupid. This week Anthony and Cameron will explain the top 3 ways 401Ks are not all that you think they are.

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road to failure

The Road To Financial Failure | The Dirty Dozen

Do you want to end up in financial failure? We didn’t think so. This week Anthony and Cameron take a sarcastic approach to success. They each come up with six pieces of advice that will ensure you will never be successful.

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Turn Key

Single Family Rentals vs. Single Family Syndications | Which is Better??

This week we break down the differences between long-term single-family rentals and multi-family syndications so that you can find what would fit best for your goals.

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